Some facts about the Trayvon Martin case

Note: This post will be updated as new events and information arise. (07/17/13)

Below is an incomplete list of some under-reported facts surrounding the Trayvon Martin case:

Even though the actual evidence suggests George Zimmerman’s account of the events which led to the shooting of the Florida teen is accurate, this is how the media and the public has reacted:

Which facts of the case warrant the response?  What known facts justify the accusations of racial bias other than the fact that the shooter and victim were different colors?

Now that Zimmerman has been found not guilty, this is the reaction:


  1. Marshall Art says:

    In a truly fruitless “conversation” in which I am engaged, sort of, on a lefty blog, none of the facts listed matter. I’ve brought up many of them and the narrative continues, with words like “murder” and “hunted down” being used routinely by the host of that blog. After presenting this list, I am countered with this, which, I suppose, was presented as if the comments are typical of the right-wing in general, as opposed to what it is, a sad reaction to the stoking of racial tensions by the very people this twisted blogger supports (and for whom he has admittedly voted).

    For some reason, after repeated denials on my part, they insist I claim there is no racism on the right. I don’t know where they got that from, but I have insisted that the race-baiting of their public figures is apparent, where little to none is obvious from the right.

    The Martin/Zimmerman case is, or should be, an embarrassing example of this race-baiting. And it seems natural to expect that some people might decide the wise path is to prepare for whatever manifestation of the “no justice/no peace” sentiments expressed by those race-baiters. I recently saw a headline referring to the beating of an elderly white person being a response to the perception, stoked by the baiters, that there is some injustice being forced upon this case. But apparently, to even suggest preparing for said manifestation is itself racist to people like the blogger in question. It appears that ANY reaction from the right-wing is racist, including defending one’s self against the charge.

  2. Barack Obama, with his silence, exhibits tacit approval of this race baiting, and in my opinion, if re-elected, will be the catalyst in the upcoming race war.

    If he is re-elected president, a race war will happen.

  3. Heeden Billy says:

    zimmerman is innocent

  4. There was such a media slant when the Trayvon Martin thing happened I couldn’t believe it. They really portrayed this kid as an innocent 12 year old. Baby-faced and all. I wrote an article about it when it first happened:


  1. […] here’s a great list of facts about the case. Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailMorePrintDiggStumbleUponRedditLike this:LikeBe the first to like […]

  2. […] got. I’ve listed but a few examples, but there are many more.  John Barron has provided a wonderful list  of underreported facts regarding the shooting death of Travyon Martin. I urge all to look at it […]

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