Check your Darwinian assumptions

Commonly held presumptions about what constitutes evidence for evolution as a viable explanation for the bio-diversity we see will have to be rethought.  All too often, defenders of the evolutionary process point to what they consider examples of homology, or the science of things kinda looking like … [Read more...]

Liberal memes debunked: I have many leather-bound books

What makes this so face-palmingingly awesome is the recent compilation by Steve Williams writing for the Examiner who found that of the ten people with the highest recorded IQs, eight are theists and at least six profess Christianity. If that weren't enough, a Yale professor last year found that … [Read more...]

Voter remorse: poll finds more voters think Romney would have been better

Quinnipiac University has published a poll finding that a majority of voters believe Mitt Romney would be doing a better job as president than President Barack Obama. America would be better off if Republican Mitt Romney had won the 2012 presidential election, 45 percent of voters say, while 38 … [Read more...]

“No Loser” events don’t help kids

Many schools and institutions have, over the past few decades, drifted toward an environment where children don't ever feel the agony of defeat.  They hold events where no one keeps score, where no one wins or loses.  Little Leagues for baseball, softball, and football do this too early on.  The … [Read more...]

Student trying to find “Islamophobia” instead treated nicer

Far too many people out there buy into the hype that white people simply don't like brown people.  It's not difficult to see why.  At every turn, opposition to some prominent minority is sloughed off as racism.  It then comes as a shock to learn that it's simply not as pervasive as it's presented. … [Read more...]

Why shouldn’t religion be taught in schools?

Political secularists have thus far been successful in preventing religion from crossing the threshold of our public schools.  There needs to be, they say, a separation of church and state.  We can't be having our students discussing one of the most important queries a person could ever consider: … [Read more...]

Funding schools doesn’t help students learn

What could possibly account for the disparity between the United States' spending more than any other country when it comes to education, and the lack of increased performance?  If you listen to our politicians, it’s because we are not spending enough on our country's "most valuable resource". A … [Read more...]

ACLU gets one right: Students can keep passwords private

It's not often that I agree with the work the ACLU does, but every once in a while they're on the right side of things.  Minnewaska Area Schools agreed to a settlement for $70,000 and will rewrite their policies to limit how much leeway the school has when wanting to search student’s e-mails and … [Read more...]

Why banning My Little Pony backpack is the right decision

By now most everyone has heard about the 9 year-old boy who was bullied for bring his My Little Pony backpack and accessories to school. The school told the boy he could no longer continue to bring the backpack to school because it was prompting bullying and causing a disruption.  Supporters of the … [Read more...]

Reason 346 to bust teacher unions: Special consideration given to “Non-Christians” in contract

When an opening for promotion arises in the Ferndale public school system, special preference is given to non-Christians, among others. From page 22 of the Ferndale Michigan Public School teacher's union contract: … [Read more...]

Who’s to blame for exhorbinant student loan debt?

Every so often some politician makes it their (brief) mission to address the burdens of overwhelming student loan debt.  Universally overlooked is that these students chose their institutes of higher learning knowing exactly what the costs of education would be.  They intentionally overlooked … [Read more...]

The Framers and their unconstitutional Constitution

Many of the same men responsible for, and who ratified, the Constitution,  specifically the first amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people … [Read more...]

Stop towing the party line and lets talk

Atticus is the author of the progressive-right political and lifestyle blog BlogTruth. His experience spans almost a decade providing business and consulting services to firms across the globe. Stop by his blog and say hello. *It should be noted that the ideas in this commentary do not necessarily … [Read more...]

Yet another example of how Common Core is bad for education

The parent - teacher conference for my youngest daughter (1st grade) was last night.  As most of you with school age children for whom there are still parent - teacher conferences know, the parents before you are always talking long past their time.  If you've never noticed this, you're those … [Read more...]

Having fun with a first grade teacher

I'm helping my daughter with her homework tonight and decided to have a little fun with her 1st grade teacher. Notice the answer to the Home Activity is given in parentheses.  Apparently, kids can't read fine print and parents are too dumb to figure out first grade math. … [Read more...]

How to create more bullies: Anti bullying programs

There's two reasons I'm not surprised to read a headline such as this.  And both could have been easily predicted by anyone who knows how people operate. (CBS Local) -- It started as a simple look at bullying. University of Texas at Arlington criminologist Seokjin Jeong analyzed data collected from … [Read more...]

The Political Left’s view of people in one winners and losers bracket

The Political Left views people in groups, not as individuals.  This is why some people are more equal than others and why some people are more valuable than others (i.e., hate crime laws).  In so doing it is then possible to create divides among the people.  People lose their individual identities … [Read more...]

Right is right; wrong is right.

President Obama’s “Common Core Curriculum” would be amusing if it weren’t preposterous. Common Core Teachers Taught to Praise Wrong Answers Like ’3 x 4 was 11’ Apparently, under the new Common-Core standards, correct answers don’t really matter. At least that’s according to a “curriculum … [Read more...]

Offensive words of the day: Citizen, Brown Bag

Yes, the terms 'citizen' and 'brown bag' are under consideration for being replaced in Seattle because they are potentially offensive.  In a culture where feelings are sacred and must not be violated, the natural consequence is to play 'six degrees of Kevin Bacon' with names and referent terms.  My … [Read more...]

Open Thread — Which will you vote for?

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